Friday, February 8, 2013

Additional SharePoint 2013 App Part Tokens

There have been a very interesting article at SharePoint Developer Support Team Blog. It discusses editMode parameter, and also mentions WPID parameter in the code sample. This got me into researching this matter.

So far we had two MSDN articles, discussing tokens: URL strings and tokens in apps for SharePoint and URLs and tokens in SharePoint 2013.

They both lack a few important App Part tokens (parameters). Here they are:

  • editMode - has two possible values: 1 or 0. 1 means the web part (not Page) is currently in Edit Mode.
  • WPID - represents a WebPart.ID (sample value is "g_f5ac6d08_5b6f_41ea_90d1_0cc8a030061c").
  • WPQ - represents a WebPart.ClientID (sample value is "ctl00_ctl33_g_f4a94a49_ce63_4c7f_ba05_884b17132672").
  • WebLocaleId - represents a web.Language.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) (sample value is "1033"), which is a Language Id.

You can use all those tokens in the URL, the same way as you use custom properties, without the need of adding actual properties. All tokens are case sensitive.

<ClientWebPart Name="ClientWebPart" Title="TestAppPart" Description="TestAppPart" DefaultWidth="600" DefaultHeight="300">
  <Content Type="html" Src="~appWebUrl/Pages/DemoPage.aspx?{StandardTokens}&amp;wpId=_WPID_&amp;editmode=_editMode_&amp;wpq=_WPQ_&amp;weblocaleId=_WebLocaleId_" />



There are a few additional tokens (parameters) not allowed for the app parts, but allowed when rendering XmlWebPart, PageViewerWebPart, ImageWebPart, DataViewWebPart and DataFormWebPart. I did not try them out though, so your feedback on their usage is welcome. Here they are:

  • LogonUser - represents a context.Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"].
  • WPR - represents a Web Part Resource Path : (web.Url + "/" + web.TypeCache[type, web.IsAppWeb, false].WebRelativeClassResourcePath).
  • WPSRR - represents a Web Part Server Relative Resource Path : web.GetServerRelativeUrlFromUrl(web.TypeCache[type, web.IsAppWeb, false].WebRelativeClassResourcePath).